

Автор: TurboSquid
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Номер материала: 91423802
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Описание: This is a 3D-model of typical Tragedy-Comedy Masks. It is an accurate representation of a real object and is highly detailed to be usable in closeups. The model was created with CINEMA 4D R15 Studio, but it can also be used with "Prime" and is backward compatible at least to R 12. This model contains 2 separate objects (Tragedy mask and Comedy mask) which were built to real-world-scale (1unit = 1cm). The model is made up of Quads only (3828 Quadrangles per mask) is suitable for subdivision is UV-mapped (non overlapping) uses Normal-Maps (based on a version of the model with about 1.000.000 Polygons) The following bitmaps are used and included: Tragedy_Normal.jpg (4096 x 2048 Pixels /8 Bit, Linear Color Space) Comedy_Normal.jpg (4096 x 2048 Pixels /8 Bit, Linear Color Space) The zip-file contains the ready to render scene including a curtain, floor and three Lights and the camera used to render the main-thumbnail. Most thumbnail-images are rendered with the CINEMA 4D R15 Advanced Renderer (global illumination). Some images use the standard render engine (they are marked as such). No third-party renderer or plug-ins needed
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