
30 Minutes of Blissful Meditation


Автор: jjessep
Стоковое видео
Номер материала: 53460109
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Описание: Lie back and relax for 30 minutes as you listen to the sound of soothing, soul cleansing music. Then, let your troubles slip away and fall into a deep sense of spiritual awakening. This track is perfect for meditation or reflection, in your workplace or media projects. Enjoy! Similar Items by this composer: http://www.pond5.com/video-sound-effects-music-after-effects-photos-illustrations-3d-models/1/clipbin:824254.html For YouTube Users: If any ‘Third Party Content’ claims appear on your videos (monetized videos included) you can quickly remove the claim by entering your details, video link, and by copying/pasting the contents from your purchased License Certificate here: http://adrev.net/contact-us into the message box. Within 24 – 96 hours, the claim will be removed. If there are any further problems, or you have any questions, you can always email me at jordanjessep@live.com
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